International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2022

Teachers of Agriculture as Agents of Psychosocial Supports in Schools

Vincent C. Asogwa & Alfred A. Tsikati


Currently, there is an increasing rate of violence, disasters, conflicts, and health challenges in our various homes and societies. These situations impact the psycho and social well-being of both students and teachers and their teaching and learning relationship within and outside the school system. Therefore, this paper exposes teachers of agriculture to the psychosocial support and psychosocial well-being of students, how to identify students who may need psychosocial support, principles, and the mechanisms of providing psychosocial support to students in Schools. The papers also discussed the challenges to psychosocial support in schools and strategies to psychosocially support students in secondary or high schools, to prevent pathological consequences of social stigmatization, discrimination, and potentially traumatic situations among students, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education sector for improved academic achievement in schools. It recommended among others that teachers should be able to identify and protect vulnerable students that may be socially marginalized, stigmatized, and/or discriminated against in society and schools.


Challenges, Teachers of Agriculture, psychosocial support, strategies, traumatic incidents


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