E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Board Heterogeneity and Cash flow Performance of Quoted Firms in Nigeria

Onuora. J. K. J. PhD, Obiora Fabian. PhD & Aniesodo Ebele. A


This study was carried out to examine the relationship between board heterogeneity and cash flow performance of quoted firms in Nigeria. In order to determine the relationship between board heterogeneity and cash flow performance, board heterogeneity was proxy using board gender heterogeneity while cash flow performance on the other hand was proxy by operating cash flow, financing cash flow and investing cash flow. The study adopted Ex Post Facto Design and data were collected from the annual reports and accounts of the listed consumer goods firms in Nigeria for the period ended 2016-2020. OLS model was used in the data analysis and the findings of the study indicate that there is a significant and positive relationship between board gender heterogeneity and cash flow performance of consumer goods firms in Nigeria at 1%-5% significant level. Thus, the study concludes that board heterogeneity ensures cash flow performance in Nigeria. In lieu of this, the study recommended that firms should increase the number of female directors in the board as high proportion of female directorship presence ensures cash flow performance.


Board Heterogeneity, Operating Cash flow, Financing Cash flow, Investing Cash Flow


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