E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 6 NO. 3 2020

Commercial Banks Lending and the Growth of Agricultural Sector in Nigeria

Asukwo Joseph Ita; Owui, Hycenth O.; Olugbemi Modupe Dunsin, & Ita, Richard Ita


The study examined “The effect of Commercial Banks Lending on the Growth of the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria”. The objectives were to examine the impact of total loans and advances on the agricultural sector output, to examine the impact of lending rate on the agricultural sector output, and to establish the relationship between commercial bank liquidity and the agricultural sector output. Data were sourced from secondary, using Central Bank Statistical Bulletin, Multiple regression statistical technique was employed in examining the effect of commercial bank lending on the growth of the Agricultural sector in Nigeria. Based on the analysis, the findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between loans and advances, interest rate, liquidity, bank asset on agricultural output. The study recommended that bank should make efforts to grant agricultural loans at the appropriate time. Also, recommended that the rate of lending should not be more than single digit and adequate funds should be available to commercial banks


Commercial Banks Lending, Agricultural Sector, total loans and advances, lending rate, commercial bank liquidity


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