E-ISSN 2550-7125
P-ISSN 2682-5902
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/wjfir.v8.no4.2024.pg105.116

Effect of Risk Management Committee Gender Diversity on Earning Capacity in Nigeria Money Deposit Banks

IGBRU Oghenekaro (PhD) & EKOKOTU Rita Nkeiru


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of risk management committee gender diversity on earning capacity in Nigeria money deposit banks. The study made use of ex-post facto research design for the collection of secondary data. The population for the study consisted of listed money deposit banks in Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) as at 31st December, 2021. The sampled under study must fulfill the responsibility of disclosing their financial statements spring ten consecutive years for the period 2012- 2021. Purposive sampling technique was used to select six (6) money deposit banks. Panel regression technique was adopted in the analysis of data. The regression results revealed that risk management committee size has a negative and statistical significant effect on earning capacity in Nigeria money deposit banks at 5% level, risk management committee gender diversity has positive and statistical significant effect on earning capacity in Nigeria money deposit banks at 5% level and risk management committee meetings has negative and no significant effect on earning capacity in Nigeria money deposit banks. It was recommended that banks should be encouraged to emphasize less on gender balancing issues but appoint female to risk management committee based on skills and experiences possessed, since the increased membership of female in risk management committee of banks has brought woes to the industry.


Earning Capacity, Risk Management Committee, Risk Management Committee


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