E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 7 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjpst.v7.no5.2024.pg36.48

Determination of Particulate Matter (PM) Concentration Levels Generated During Sporting Activities in Bare and Grass Fields, and the Effects of Some Atmospheric Parameters

Usibe, Matthew E., Robert, James J


This study focused on the determination of concentration levels of particulate matter (PM) generated during sporting activities in bare and grass fields, and the effects of wind, relative humidity, and temperature on emission of particulate matter. Ten bare fields (FB) and ten grass fields (FG) were selected for the study. The study utilized particulate matter monitor, digital anemometer, geographical positioning system (GPS) and measuring tape to determine PM concentration, atmospheric variables (wind speed, relative humidity, temperature), geographical coordinates, and breathable height respectively of the selected fields on a daily basis for a period of three weeks. The findings revealed that the PM concentrations were significantly higher in bare fields, with PM1.0 ranging from 2.8 to 7.2 ?g/m³, PM2.5 from 7.2 to 49.1 ?g/m³, and PM10 from 29.3 to 158.7 ?g/m³. In contrast, grass fields showed lower PM levels with PM1.0 ranging from 1.1 to 4.1 ?g/m³, PM2.5 from 3.1 to 24.1 ?g/m³, and PM10 from 10.8 to 74.8 ?g/m³, suggesting that grass acts as a natural barrier to the escape of PM. Correlation analysis indicated strong interrelationships among PM fractions but weak correlations with atmospheric variables such as wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity. PM concentration of the selected bare fields namely, FB5 and FB7 exceeded the World Health Organisation (WHO) air quality guidelines of 25 ?g/m³ for PM2.5 and 50 ?g/m³ for PM10 for the period under study, which are capable of aggravating serious health problems such as asthmatic attack, chronic bronchitis, ischemia, heart diseases, and other respiratory issues. Hence, the need for grass cover implementation and routine PM monitoring, especially during sporting activities.


Particulate Matter (PM), Concentration Levels, Atmospheric Parameters


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