E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjfsqc.v10.no4.2024.pg24.41

Production and Quality Evaluation of Pasta from Aerial Yam and Soybean Flours Blend Using Single-Screw Extruder

Enobong Okon Umoh , Kuyik Solomon Abasiekong


Pasta produced from aerial yam and soybean flours blend using single-screw extruder was evaluated for some quality characteristics, namely; anti-nutritional factors, sensory properties, proximate composition and functional properties. Standard laboratory analytical methods were adopted in the quality evaluation of the pasta. Results of the analyses for anti-nutritional factors show that the pasta contained 2.63mg/100g tannin, 59.61mg/100g oxalate, 17.48mg/100g phytate, 1.42mg/100g hydrogen cyanide, and 1.03% alkaloids. Sensory evaluation shows that the scores


Quality evaluation, Pasta, Sensory properties, Aerial yam flour, Extrusion processing


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