E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjfsqc.v10.no4.2024.pg70.79

Impact of Staff Training on Food Safety Management in Quick Service Restaurants in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

Joy Ebimoboere Owei, Dr. Ayodele A. Oyedeji


This study on the impact of staff training on food safety management in quick service restaurants in Yenagoa seeks to evaluate the influence of training programs on effective food service delivery within the fast food industry in the study location. The data for this study was gathered from 155 food handlers within the quick service restaurant industry in the study area using a detailed questionnaire. The study revealed that 36 (87.7%) respondent affirmed to have knowledge on the term food safety management. From the study we also discovered that a 100% of the respondents claimed to have undergone food safety management training, out of which 148 (95.5%) respondents claim to have undergone trainings on hygiene. 40 (25.8%) received post training certificates, whereas 102 (65.8%) respondents affirmed to have had a post training assessment carried out. The research also revealed the type of training programs predominant in the study location as 94 (60.6%) of the respondents claimed to have had a combination of both theoretically and practical trainings. The analytical result using ANOVA indicated that there is significant relationship between different forms of staff training and effective food management system among QSR operators in Yenagoa, therefore the null hypothesis was rejected.


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