E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 10 NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v10.no5.2024.pg20.44

Leadership Performance Appraisal: Implications for Administrative Effectiveness of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Rivers State Office, 2012-2023

UMUNNA, Chukwuemeka Blessing, Nsiegbe, Graham and Davies, Emmanuel Opuene


This study examined the leadership performance appraisal processes of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Rivers State Office. Four(4) objectives, and four(4) research questions guided the study. Equity theory and the expectancy theory were adopted as the theoretical framework for this study. The descriptive survey research design was employed, and data were collected through the distribution of structured closed-ended questionnaires. A sample size of 345 representing 92.75% was drawn from a total population of 2,500 employees’ of the NDDC Rivers State office using a purposive sampling technique. A validated 20 items instrument titled “Leadership Performance Appraisal for effective administration of NDDC Rivers State Office” with a Reliability coefficient of 0.78 was used for data generation. The research questions were answered using %, x ? , and standard deviations and the findings revealed inter-alia areas for improvement in the leadership performance appraisal process, including stakeholder involvement, bias and transparency, individual differences, among others. The study concluded that the current appraisal practices for leadership performance in the NDDC Rivers State Office had positive implications for improvement. However, challenges such as rater bias, inconsistency, lack of transparency, and limited employee participation were identified. The following recommendations were therefore made: stakeholder involvement, addressing challenges, considering individual differences and contextual factors, and increasing employee participation to enhance leadership performance evaluation. The study made these contributions to knowledge through the provision of empirical evidence in specific context, identification of specific challenges and areas for improvement among others.


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