E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Hydro-politics in the Niger Basin Authority and Nigeria's National Interest

Andre Ben-Moses AKUCHE, Kennedy Njar NSAN, Patricia Chinyere IKEH (PhD), Chukwuemeka Vincent MUONEKE


This study examined Nigeria's national interest and hydro-politics, explicitly focusing on the Niger Basin Authority. The study's specific objectives are to (1) identify the obstacles to Nigeria's national interest under the Niger Basin Authority and (2) determine whether the lack of policy implementation on climate change has affected the human security of the Nigerian population within the institutional policy framework of the Niger Basin Authority. In explaining the study, the regime theory was utilised while employing content analysis as the method of data analysis. The study's findings suggest that Nigeria should realise her national interest in international water organizations by promoting her economic growth and national development through her participation in the efficient management of the Niger Basin Authority. The country can achieve effective transboundary water resources management that promotes integrated water resources management and sustainable development, including social equity, economic growth, and environmental and ecological protection in good governance and public participation. In addition, Nigeria should be pragmatic in its implementation of climate change policies under the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, Goal 13 addresses climate action. This will go a long way toward mitigating human security threats in the Niger Basin, such as drought in the upper Niger and flooding in the lower Niger Basin.


Multilateral Water Organizations, National Interest, Niger Basin Authority, Foreign Policy, And National Development


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Paper presented at the 8th African organization of supreme audit institutions working
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