E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v10.no6.2024.pg199.219

Evaluating Geo-Political Spread of Political Appointments in Nigeria Democratic-Federal System and its Implication for National Development

Abeeb Muhammed Abideen PhD.


This paper examines the geo-political spread of political appointments within Nigeria's democratic-federal system and its implications for national development. Nigeria, characterized by its diverse ethnic and cultural composition, faces significant challenges in ensuring fair representation in political positions. The study highlights the historical context of political appointments, noting that since independence, ethnic considerations have often overshadowed merit in the distribution of political power, leading to tensions and demands for equitable representation among various groups. The analysis focuses on the recent appointments made by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, scrutinizing the extent to which these appointments reflect Nigeria's federal character as mandated by the 1999 constitution. The findings reveal a concerning trend of lopsided appointments favoring the South-West region, particularly the Yoruba ethnic group, raising questions about inclusivity and national unity. The paper also discusses the implications of these appointments for national development, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that fosters trust and cooperation among Nigeria's diverse ethnic groups.Furthermore, the research draws on insights from the Governance and Sustainable Development Initiatives (GSDI) to underscore the importance of adhering to the federal character principle in political appointments. The study concludes that without a commitment to equitable representation, Nigeria risks exacerbating existing divisions and undermining its democratic processes, ultimately hindering national development. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on governance and representation in Nigeria, advocating for a more inclusive political landscape that reflects the country's rich diversity.


Political Appointments, Federal Character Principles , Geo-Political Spread, National


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