Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jafm.v10.no6.2024.pg137.156

Remuneration Committee and Firm Survival of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Orjinta Hope Ifeoma (Ph.D), Manafa, Chinyere. J and Udoezika David


This work empirically investigated the effect of remuneration committee on survival of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study is vital as it portrays the extent to the roles of remuneration committee has influenced banks’ survival in Nigeria. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation and the statistical test of parameter estimates was conducted using panel least squares regression model. The research design used is Ex Post Facto design and data for the study were obtained from the published annual financial reports of 12 selected deposit money banks spanning from 2019-2023. In order to determine the relationship between remuneration committee and banks survival, some key proxy variables were used in the study, namely remuneration committee independence, remuneration committee diversity and remuneration committee meeting while banks’ survival was represented by net assets per share. Using Panel Least Squares Regression Model, the findings generally indicate that remuneration committee independence, remuneration committee diversity and remuneration committee meeting have positive and significant effect on survival of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Based on this, the study concludes that remuneration committee ensures banks survival in Nigeria. In lieu of the findings of the study, it was recommended that listed deposit money banks in Nigeria should establish a committee called remuneration committee that must be independent, diversified and also have meeting frequently as it affords them the opportunity of considering different decisions and quickly reaching a compromise.


Remuneration Committee, Remuneration Committee Diversity, Remuneration


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