Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jafm.v10.no8.2024.pg294.308

Population Dynamics and Public Sector Policies in Nigeria: A Co- integration Analysis

Nduokafor, Christian Ogochukwu Ven. Prof. Onuora, J.K.J Okolie, Fidelis Oguguo


This study examined population dynamics and public sector policies in nigeria. The study specifically focused on population growth, density, and male proportion of population effects on public sector healthcare expenditure. The study adopted the longitudinal research design and data were obtained from the World Bank WDI, spanning from 1999-2022. The unit root test using ADF showed stationarity at 1(0), 1(1), and 1(2). The hypotheses were tested using the ARDL model. The results showed no significant effect of population growth on current health expenditure. Secondly, a significant positive effect of population density on current health expenditure. Thirdly, a significant negative effect of male proportion of population on current health expenditure. Based on these, the study recommends to minimize these adverse impacts, it is essential for administrators to take proactive measures in planning and strategizing resource allocation, giving priority to preventive healthcare initiatives, and exploring innovative solutions like telemedicine and technology integration to enhance service delivery and enhance overall health outcomes, despite the challenges presented by population growth. Encourage collaboration among healthcare providers in densely populated areas to promote shared resources, expertise, and best practices. Develop and implement gender- specific health programs that focus on preventive care, early detection, and management of health conditions that disproportionately affect males.


Population Growth, Population Density, Male Proportion to Total Population,


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