E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no8.2024.pg204.232

Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Innovativeness of Hotels in Yenagoa Metropolis of Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Motimifagha Kei, Epem Ubodiom, Irene Bome Sokare, Yimovie Sakue-Collins


The project explores for relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial innovativeness in the hospitality industry. Specifically, the study focuses on the impact of personality traits of hotel managers in Yenagoa and how it impacts on entrepreneurship and innovativeness of hotels in Yenagoa Metropolis. This study adopts a cross-sectional survey design, and combines primary and secondary sources of data collection. This study has a population of a hundred and nine (109) hotels in Yenagoa Metropolis and adopted census sampling techniques. Data will be collected using a structured questionnaire, structured in the form of 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (SA) to strongly disagree (SD). Data gathered will be analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation. The mean values, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient would be applied to provide answers to the research questions. For the inferential level of analysis, test of significance would be applied with a view of rejecting or accepting the hypotheses postulated in the study.


Personality traits, Big Five, Managers, Hotels, Yenagoa, Hospitality, Bayelsa State


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