E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijssmr.v10.no8.2024.pg133.144

Influence of Policy Implementation on Entrepreneurial Success and National Development

Dr (Mrs) DIBIE, Kashiari Esther, CHUKWUKA, Ernest Jebolise (Ph.D)


This research paper investigated the influence of policy implementation on entrepreneurial success and national development with the aim of ascertaining the exact nature of the influence of policy implementation on entrepreneurial success and national development in Nigeria. This study adopted a qualitative research methodology through the extant and systematic, exploratory review of extant literature, which is modified to understand the motivations, viewpoints, theories, and views of scholars in order to address the study policy implementation issues. This study relied on secondary sources of data. The study found that there is a serious problem of implementation of policies rather than their formulation, in Nigeria. This is a result of the upper class's competing interests, which stem from their stark ideological differences, self-serving interests, and manipulation of the policy-making process to their benefit. Consequently, this has left a hole or missing piece in Nigeria's system for developing and implementing public policy. The study also discovered that each country has its own procedure for drafting and implementing policies. For example, in Nigeria, public policy is developed and carried out with sufficient focus solely on the government and its agencies. In this process, civil society organizations, professional associations, the organized business sector, and nonprofit organizations are all totally disregarded. The numerous wonderful policies that have been developed throughout the years by the various governments in the areas of social security, unemployment, poverty reduction, health, and education are just a few examples. The study therefore concludes that 70% of government policies in Nigeria are never implemented effectively, which has crippled the wheels of national development and negatively affected entrepreneurial success. The study observed that private sector businesses and entrepreneurial activities wil


Policy implementation, Entrepreneurial Success, National Development, Economic


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