E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2024

Nexus Between Human Nature and The Problem of Sin in Christianity: A Theologica-Philosophical Expose

Daniel U. Onotere Ph.D, Samson I. Emusi Ph.D


This theological and Philosophical expose delves into the intricate relationship between human nature and the concept of sin within Christian doctrine. It explores how Christian theology interprets the nature of sin as an inherent aspect of human condition, rooted in the concept of original sin and its subsequent impact on human behavior and morality. It also examines the nexus between the biblical account of the nature of humans and their ``inherent helplessness’’ to sin in view of the prevalence of sin in contemporary society. It adopts the descriptive and historical methods in exploring the biblical presentation of human nature as the only authentic source of knowledge in establishing truths about human beings, their activities and potentials. By examining key theological perspectives of contemporary scholars, it reveals how human nature is perceived as fundamentally flawed or predisposed to moral failings according to Christian thought. The analysis further considers the philosophical implications of this Christian doctrine, including the tension between the un-fallen, fallen and the post-fallen state of human nature, and the existential struggle of reconciling human imperfection with the pursuit of God. This expose provides a comprehensive understanding of how Christian teachings on sin are deeply intertwined with the broader philosophical questions about human nature and ethical responsibility.


Human Nature, Christian, Sin, Theological, Reconciliation


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