E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 9 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijrcp.v9.no4.2024.pg98.106
Fidelis Igbege Ajah, Peter Tawor Etta, Joel T. Uto
The Holy Bible is the main source and foundation of Christian tradition while other materials like the Apostolate writings are compliments and subservient to the Holy Bible during inconsistencies. Sub-divisions of the Creed (Pentateuch, Prophets, Writings, Synoptic Gospels and Epistles) all contain doctrinal tenets and historical events which are instructionally beneficial to the present world and remain ready document for instruction and teaching. Unfortunately, however, many Church founders and Clerics nowadays teach biblical stories with inexplicable exaggeration, misapplication, misrepresentation and perversive motives, parading fictitious and unattainable claims. This situation applied to the Nigerian state before, during and soon after the 2023 general elections where Church founders/leaders became seers, forecasting election outcome in favour of candidates of choice for financial gains. This study thus examined the subsistence of unregulated prophetic proclamations among Christian adherents in Nigeria at the time side-by-side the Calvary message of universal love and divine consciousness. Among other suggestions this work recommended that henceforth, Church activities in Nigeria should be streamlined by the government and violators of fake prophecy prohibition and regulatory Act should be promptly and severely punished to serve as deterrent on other intending culprits.
Calvary, Christianity, Election, Nigeria
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