E-ISSN 2579-0498
P-ISSN 2695-2181
VOL. 8. NO. 5 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijmepr.v8.no5.2024.pg53.60
Abbas Rahi Raham and Qays Kamal Merza
To characterize the features impact of thinning energy, the lateral distribution of char?ed particle? within an air shower was looked at by an effect among a thinning energy of various cosmic ray particles. AIRES system version 19.04.0, an air shower simulator, was used to simulate a late?al distribution. At extremely high energies (1016, 1017, 1018, and 1019 eV), the lateral distribution of charged particles, including the electron, positron, gamma, and every other charged particle, was simulated. We considered the impact of energies, zenith angle (?), primary particles, and thinning energy on the lateral distribution of charged particles generated within the EAS. A rapprochement of the lateral distribution of a charged particle as gamma particle with the experimental measurements from Yakutsk EAS array, which showed reasonably agreement for proton and iron at 1019 eV for slanted showers at ?=10?.
AIRES system; Extensive air showers; Lateral distribution; Thinning energy
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