E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 10 NO. 11 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijgem.v10.no11.2024.pg59.73

Sustainable Approaches to Cemetery Design in Urban Areas: Asaba as A Case Study

Nwambuonwo, Stephen Ebuka & Agwu, Kelechi Destiny


Rapid urbanization in Nigerian cities, including Asaba, Delta State, has intensified the demand for efficient land use and environmentally sustainable approaches in cemetery design. Traditional burial methods, characterized by expansive land use and limited ecological consideration, are becoming increasingly unsustainable. This research focuses on sustainable approaches to cemetery design within an urban context, with an emphasis on reducing environmental impact while maximizing land utility. Drawing on both local and international sustainable practices, the study explores eco-friendly burial options such as vertical burial systems, biodegradable materials, and multi-use memorial parks. Through a case study approach, this research identifies adaptable design solutions and examines existing challenges within Nigeria’s regulatory and socio-economic landscape, providing a roadmap for future development in sustainable funerary architecture. Findings from this study aim to highlight practical, sustainable design strategies that reduce land use, protect the environment, and contribute to urban planning goals, while aligning with local needs in Asaba and similar urban Nigerian settings.


Sustainable Cemetery Design, Funerary Architecture, Urban Planning, Land Use


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