International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )

E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 10 NO. 8 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.v10.no8.2024.pg51.60

Impacts of Exposure Temperature on the Nutritional Characteristics of Clarias Gariepinus (African Catfish)

Aneke, V.I. Oshagbemi, A.A. Ogugua, C.


This study aimed to ascertain how African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were altered nutritionally by temperature and time exposure. Freshly caught mature African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) were consistently cut and curled before being dried at temperatures of 70, 90, and 110°C until stable weights were achieved. The nutritional properties were established using conventional methods. The experiment results showed that the temperature of exposure affected the nutritional qualities of the biomaterial. Crude protein, fat content, and ash content are the observed quality indicators that typically climb as the drying temperature rises from 70 to 110°C. The crude protein changes from 53,10 to 67.21%, the moisture content decreases from 76.12 to 15.59%, and the lipid content increases from 21.20 to 29.60% as the temperature rises from 70 to 110 degrees Celsius. The positive correlation that all of the mineral contents showed with temperature rises suggests that the concentration of the mineral contents rose as the moisture content dropped. This is in line with the research done by Kilic (2009), who found that increasing the drying temperature enhances fish quality by delaying the biochemical and microbiological degradation of the fish.


Clarias Gariepinus, Nutritional Qualities, Exposure Temperatures, Moisture Content


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