IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.v10.no8Sept.2024.pg258.270

Equal Employment Opportunity and Employees’ Engagement of Senior Staff in Federal Universities in South-East Nigeria

Chinedu-Eze, Vera C.A Emerole, G.A Osuala, A.E


this study focused on Equal Employment Opportunity and Employees’ Engagement of Senior Staff in Federal Universities in South-East, Nigeria. Guided by two objectives, the study adopted the descriptive survey design as its methodological framework and covered a population of 23,126 senior staff of the five (5) Federal Universities in South-East, Nigeria. Data used in the study were generated from both primary and secondary sources and stratified random sampling technique was adopted in determining the 430 senior staff that were sampled. The research questions were analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation statistics while the hypotheses were tested with Theil-Sen regression technique. Sequel to the findings from the analysis of the data used, the study concludes that equal employment opportunity has significant effects on employees’ engagement in federal government owned universities in South-East, Nigeria. The study recommended that it is imperative for federal universities in South-East, Nigeria to guarantee equality in the access to organizational benefits to all employees by offering equal opportunities for career advancement through career progression, mentorship programmes, training and development initiatives and that Federal Universities in South-East, Nigeria should foster an inclusive culture by adopting diversity management practices that recognizes, promotes and reward an inclusive workplace culture.


Cognitive Engagement, Diversity management, Equal Access, Emotional Engagement


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