International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )

E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 10 NO. 6 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.v10.no6.2024.pg121.135

Digital Divide in Agricultural Extension: Exploring ICT Accessibility and Its Influence on Rural Farming Communities

Ik- Ugwoezuonu Lilian Ph.D. .


This study explores the digital divide in agricultural extension by examining ICT accessibility and its impact on rural farming communities. Given the increasing role of technology in agriculture, understanding how ICT accessibility influences agricultural productivity, the effectiveness of extension services, and digital inclusion strategies is crucial. Using a combination of descriptive and correlation analyses, the research investigates the current state of ICT infrastructure in rural areas and its implications for farming practices. The findings reveal significant disparities in ICT accessibility among rural communities, with improved access correlating strongly with enhanced agricultural productivity (r = 0.65, p < 0.01) and more effective agricultural extension services (r = 0.72, p < 0.01). Furthermore, the study highlights the critical role of digital inclusion strategies in bridging the digital divide, with a strong correlation observed between effective strategies and higher ICT access (r = 0.78, p < 0.01). These results underscore the need for targeted investments in ICT infrastructure, the integration of technology into extension services, and the implementation of comprehensive digital inclusion strategies. Addressing these areas can significantly enhance the effectiveness of agricultural support services, improve productivity, and foster overall development in rural farming communities.


Digital Divide, ICT Accessibility, Agricultural Extension, Rural Communities, Digital


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