International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )

E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 10 NO. 7 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.v10.no7.2024.pg168.185

Assessment of Climate Change and Food Security Status of Cassava Farming Households in Imo State, Nigeria

Umoh, E.E., N.C. Ehirim and Ikheloa, E.


This study analyzed climate challenges and food security status of cassava farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. The study arose from the ever increasing challenges posed by climate change to the farmers as they endeavor to keep their households food secured. Specifically this study described the level of challenges posed by climate change as perceived by farmers in the study area. It also estimated the food security status of the individual farming household as well as the factors affecting food security level of households in the study area. Data were obtained using multi stage sampling techniques. A total of 180 respondents selected from 9 communities were used for the study and primary data were collected by means of structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to describe both the socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers and farmers’ perception of climate change challenges; the food security level of the households was proxies by daily calories intake and cassava demand gap for the household while the determinants of food security were estimated using the Probit regression technique. The results revealed that farmers were informed about seasonal indicators, environmental challenges and manmade challenges arising from climate change. Moreover, majority of the households in the area were food insecure, while educational status, off farm income and farming experience increased the probability of a household being food secured conversely, age of household head and household size influenced household food security status negatively. The study recommended an increase in awareness campaigns to improve farmer’s perception of climate change. It also advocated the provision of more income earning opportunities for farmers in the rural area to enhance their off farm income generation and improve household food security status.


Cassava, Climate change, Food security and Farming Households


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