E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 3 NO. 2 2017

Effect of Regional Agitation for Resource Control on Human Capital Development: A Study of Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Ikechukwu Dialoke (Ph.D) & Sampson Chijindu Justice


The study focused on the effect of regional agitation for resource control on human capital development; with reference to Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Specifically the study sought to ascertain the effect of regional agitation for resource control on human capital development in the delta rich region and the relationship between human capital development efforts of the federal government and the economic growth of the region. The researcher made use of survey research design, the sample size of the study consist of three hundred respondent randomly selected from oil producing communities in Abia, Akwa Ibom and Rivers State. Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis was used to analysed the data obtained from the field. The major findings revealed that; at P>0.01 level of significance, regional agitation for resource control has a strong positive effect on human capital development with correlation coefficient of (r = 0.927). Furthermore, Longevity (LEI) and Educational Attainment Index (EAI) with the coefficient regression of (3062.534), and (1630.429), respectively are positively related to the human capital development efforts of the government at 1% level (Sig < .01) of significance. While Standard of Living on Real per capital GDP (SLI) with the regression coefficient of (-5248.202) are negatively related to the human capital development efforts of the Government at 1% level (Sig < .05, Sig < .01) of significance. The researcher concluded that human capital development programmes are paramount for economic development of the delta rich region as it reflect stock of competencies, and thus, recommends that federal government should relied on sound human capital development programmes as a panacea to the under development and economic backwardness of the Niger Delta Region.


Regional Agitation, Resource Control, and Human Capital Development.


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