E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 2 NO. 1 2017

Comparative Cost Analysis of Wall Cladding Materials

D. O. Mac-Barango


Wall is a principal component in building construction. Cost data statistics for pretender planning/investment appraisal analysis as it relates to alternative choice of cladding materials (sandcrete blocks, concrete blocks or timber) are seldom readily available. This research examines the cost relationships between sandcrete blocks and timber as alternative wall cladding materials. Using rates from synthesized bills of quantities, and the statistical tool of percentile, it establishes and compares cost profiles of the elemental components of buildings constructed in both materials. Research findings establish as follows: (i) Buildings constructed of timber are about 6% more expensive that those constructed in sandcrete clocks. Electrical component installation reveals a percentage cost of 6.8% and 5.9% respectively for block and timber claddings respectively. It is recommended that improvement be made to cost data compilation, on periodic basis for the both types of claddings.


Cladding Materials; Sandcrete Blocks; Timber Panels; Innovations in Cladding Materials.


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