IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 3 NO. 2 2017

Oil Theft, Illegal Bunkering and Pipeline Vandalism: It’s Impact on Nigeria Economy, 2015 - 2016

Adishi, Eric (Ph.D) & Hunga, Michael Oluwagbenga


This paper examines the rising cases of oil thefts, illegal bunkering, pipeline vandalism in Nigeria from 2015-2016. The aim of this work is to critically examine the causes, actors, methods, impacts of oil thefts, illegal bunkering, pipeline vandalism and the measures adopted by the Nigerian government to combat it. The location of the study is the Niger Delta region and the study was timed within the period of 2015-2016. Secondary data were generated for the study, while content analysis was used for data interpretation and analysis. The study revealed that different individuals and groups were involved in these oil thefts, vandals and illegal activities. The study further proved that persistence vandals in the Niger Delta region is due to the enthroned corruption by Nigerian elites, governments inappropriate policies, high level of youth unemployment, ineffective and corrupt law enforcement agencies and international crime collaborations. The study also revealed that Nigerian government have made attempts to curb the problem by the establishment of a special security outfit, militarization of the Niger Delta region and reviewing of amnesty programs, but the oil thefts, vandals in recent times clearly indicates that success has not been achieved, hence some recommendations were proffered to put an end to oil thefts, pipeline vandals in order to make Nigeria economic robust and business destination by international bodies


Oil Thefts, Illegal Bunkering, Pipeline Vandalism, Niger Delta Region, Economic Implication, Nigeria National Security, Period under Review 2015-2016.


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