E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: DOI not found

The Value and Strategies of Integrating Life Education Theory into Chinese Language Teaching in the 'Double New' Era in China

Xinwen Wei


This paper, based on the "Double New" education era, focuses on how to implement and integrate the concept of life education into Chinese language teaching at the junior high school level, and how to create a learning and growth platform that is closely connected to students' lives. The article proposes feasible educational strategies such as "experiential teaching, emotional experience-based reading, and creative writing," aiming to enhance the practicality and authenticity of subject education. By applying knowledge from a life-oriented perspective, the goal is to meet the requirements of cultivating high-quality talents in the "Double New" era.


Double New Policy; Junior High School Chinese; Life Education; Educational

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