E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/rjpst.vol.8.no2.2025.pg52.74
Nwadinobi Chibundo Princewill, Ochiabuto Ndubuisi C, Nwakwuribe Victor C and Ugwu Victor
Sustainable water management relies on the recycling of wastewater, which offers a practical solution to address the growing demand for fresh water due to increasing populations and climate changes. This review examines how wastewater recycling plays a role in encouraging water conservation, reducing environmental pollution, and enhancing resource recovery. It looks into various advanced treatment methods—like membrane filtration, biological processes, and chemical treatments—that enable safe reuse of wastewater for both nondrinking and drinking purposes. The article emphasizes the benefits of wastewater recycling, which include decreased reliance on fresh water sources, lower energy use, and recovery of nutrients, highlighting environmental, economic, and social gains. This review underscores the significance of wastewater recycling as a key strategy for achieving sustainable water management and ensuring long-term water availability in rural and urban settings.
Wastewater, Recycling, Sustainability, Water Management, Fresh water
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