E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/

Spousal Violence and Help-Seeking Behaviour among Women in Yenagoa City, Bayelsa State: Patterns, Causes, and Support Systems

Iteimowei Major, PhD


This study investigates spousal violence and help-seeking behaviour among 138 women in Yenagoa City, Bayelsa state. The major objectives were to find out the major forms of violence, their causes and the formal and informal means of seeking help among women. The study which mainly utilises the quantitative approach of data collection (questionnaire), made use of two theories namely; the resource perspective and the survival approach. The study found that control, behaviour, physical violence, economic, and sexual spousal violence, were the most prevailing forms of violence experienced by the respondents. For controlling behaviour, insisting on knowing respondents’ movements at all times and ignoring/treating respondents indifferently were the most prevalent forms of controlling behaviour experienced by respondents. In finding out the reason for spousal violence, the study indicated that verbal abuse and money problems were the major causes of spousal violence. Regarding help-seeking behaviour, most respondents indicated that they primarily seek assistance from their own relatives when experiencing abuse. However, they formally turn to gender centres for support. Therefore, it was recommended that the factors influencing women's help-seeking decisions in such situations should be identified. Additionally, policy initiatives should aim to strengthen both formal and informal support systems to promote a more equitable society for women. Lastly, efforts should be made to enhance education and expand economic opportunities for women.


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