International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )
E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.vol.11.no2.
Iloabachie ICC, Chiegwu M A, Chime AC, Ikpeama LC
This work studied the suitability of plantain peels as a friction material in the development of a brake pad. Ripe plantain peels used in this work was domestically sourced, washed, oven dried at a temperature of about 60oC. The dried plantain peels was pulverized using a locally made pulverizing machine then, sieved using a set of sieves arranged in descending order of fineness to obtain uniform particle size and carbonized in heat treatment furnace. The brake pad composite was produced by varying the composition of powdered plantain peels in the order 5wt. %, 10 wt. %, 15wt. %, 20 wt. % and 25 wt. % in Gum-Arabic resin. The formulated brake pad composite was poured into a wooden mould 50 mm × 50 mm × 8 mm, placed in a hot platen press at temperature of about 180oC, at a molding pressure of about 15MPa and a curing time of 5 minutes. Post-heat treatment of the composites was performed in a hot air oven for a period of 4 hours at 180 °C. The produced brake pads were evaluated for hardness, compressive strength, wear rate, co-efficient of friction and flame resistance. The SEM/EDS of the produced brake pad was also examined. The results indicated about 3.41 wear rate at 15wt. % and increasing hardness and compressive strength with increase in weight percent of the plantain peels. 0.3 to 0.4 coefficient of friction and improved flame resistance due to carbonization of the plantain peels were also observed. The SEM/EDS micrograph revealed the brake pad as mixture. These results showed that carbonized powdered plantain peels can be used a friction material to develop brake pad.
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Produced Brake Pad Carbonized Plantain Peels
Ripe Plantain Ripe Plantain Peels
Wear Properties/ COF of Powdered Plantain Peels/ Nigerian Gum-Arabic Resin Based
Brake Pad Composite.
Sample WR
Results of the Mechanical Properties of Un-Carbonized Powdered Pentaclethra Macrophylla
Pod/Nigerian Gum-Arabic Resin Based Brake Pad Composite.
Hardness Compressive
Flame Resistance in Gum-Arabic