Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jafm.vol.11.no2.2025.pg369.381

Effect of Accounting Software on Firm Survival in Nigeria Obidike Jane Chizoba and Dr Ofor Nkechi

Effect of Accounting Software on Firm Survival in Nigeria, Obidike Jane Chizoba and Dr Ofor Nkechi


This study empirically investigated the effect Of accounting software on firm survival in Nigeria using listed deposit money banks as a reference point. Two hypotheses were for mulated to guide the investigation and the statistical test of parameter estimates was conducted using panel least squares regression model. The study anchored on the resource based view theory adopted an Ex Post Facto design. Hence, data were collected from t he CBN statistical bulletin. Thus, the empirical analysis Of the study indicates that ATM, POS and mobile banking have positive and significant effect on profitability of listed de posit money banks in Nigeria at 1% level of significant. The study therefore concludes th at the study concludes that the use of accounting software ensure banks survival in Nige rim Thus, the study recommends that deposit Money Banks should conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of their ATM networks to identify and mitigate high operation al costs associated With maintenance and cash logistics, This analysis should be spear headed by the bank's management team to optimize ATM performance and reduce inefficiencies. In general, if managed well, ATM adoption tends to improve profitability in the I ong run, especially when it is part of a broader digital transformation strategy. Also, bank s should invest in initiatives aimed at increasing the adoption and usage of POS termina Is, particularly in underserved regions, This recommendation is directed to the marketing and business development teams within banks, Who should develop targeted campaigns to educate merchants and consumers about the benefits of POS transactions. Overall, P OS adoption is likely to increase a bank's profitability, especially in markets with growing demand for cashless payments. However, effective management of costs and risks associated with the system is crucial to maximizing long-term financial benefits.

, Accounting Software Automatic Teller Machine Point of Sales Mobile Banking, Firm Survival


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