E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/rjpst.vol.8.no2.2025.pg111.121
Otene, B B, Amachree, D, and Tambari, I
Meiofauna are a good indicator of water quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of meiofauna in Luubara for three months (June and August, 2024). Four stations (1. Wiiyaakara; 2. Luubara; 3. Duburo and 4. Bane) were established along the creek. Sediment cores to a depth of approximately 10 cm were collected using a corer (2–4 cm). Sediment was analysed following the standard methods of APHA, and the organisms were identified to the species level using keys and descriptions. Species diversity of Meiofauna was calculated using Paleontological Statistics (PAST). The results showed that five phyla, nematoda (111), annelida (108), foraminifera (85), copepoda (70) and arthropoda (25) were present in the creek with nematoda as the most abundant. The presence of some notable pollution indicators such as Turbifex turbifex, Hirundo medicinalis, Capitella capitata, Lumbriculus variegatus (Mudworm) signified threat/pollution of the creek. Temporally, the highest meiofauna abundance was recorded in August (n=182) representing 45.81% while the least was in June (n=155). There were spatial variations with station 3 recording the highest meiofauna abundance representing 57.64% (n=230), followed by Station 1 (n=72; 18.05%) while the least was observed in station 2 (n=44, 24.81%). The Margalef index ranged between 5.224 (Station 2) and 6.355 (Station1) indicating high richness while Shannon weinner index ranged between 2.934 (Station 2) and 3.287(Station 3) indicating moderate pollution. Fisher alpha values ranging between 9.383 (Station 3) and 18.470 (Station 4) with high values indicates greater diversity relative to the number of species observed. Luubara creek based on the Shannon, Margalef and Menhinick indices and the presence of some pollution indicators is considered to be moderately polluted. Adequate measures should therefore be taken to ameliorate possibilities of further pollution in the area.
Diversity Indices, Meiofauna, Bioindicators, Water Quality, Luubara Creek
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