E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/
Chigbo Chinyere Frances, Prof Frank O Nwankwo, Akonu Stephanie Chidiogo, David Opaluwa
This research assessed the constraining factors influencing profitability of rice production among members of agricultural cooperatives in Niger State, Nigeria. Specifically, the research. A sample size of 360 was randomly selected using Taro Yamane’s formula on a population of 121,065 members from the eight Local Government Areas that made up the Agricultural Zone A of the State. Data were collected through a well-structured five-point Likert scale questionnaire capturing the questions raised in the research questions and hypotheses. The work was anchored on the Rational Choice Theory and the Cobb-Douglas Production Function. The data collected were analyzed using both descriptive analysis and regression analysis. Findings of this study revealed that rice output was significantly influenced by such production constraints such as inadequate capital, high cost of inputs/labour, persistence use of poor quality seeds, pests and diseases (F ratio of 2.876 was significant @ 0.001level). By implication, the constraints and challenges militating against increase in rice output and the resultant increase in rice profitability should be eliminated, through government and non-governmental provision of farm resources at a subsidized rate to motivate prospective cooperative farmers. We recommend that government should also revisit the policy framework pertaining access to credit and make necessary adjustments that will favour rice farmers' access to credit and promote the availability of capital for agricultural production.
Rice Production, Profitability of Rice Production, Agricultural Cooperatives
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