International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )
E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.vol.11.no2.2025.pg101.109
Muhammad A, Abubakar S I
The paper assesses the indulging women participation in Agricultural activities in Wurno irrigation scheme in Sokoto state. Mixed methods were employed in generating data for this study. Both primary and secondary source of data were used. sampling frame for the study covers all registered women actively participating in the scheme activities. Yamane’s formula of sample size was used in arriving at 96 participants for the administration of questionnaire. Leaders were interviewed for the key informant interview (KII) and was presented verbatim for the analysis of the result. The data generated were processed using SPSS and excel software to generate primary descriptive statistics. The work revealed that rice constitute the major crop cultivated by women in Lugu dam irrigation scheme. The motivational factors as shown by the correlation are availability of land, non-participation in western education, peer influenced, increased in crop yield and migration of men and husband particularly during dry season are found to be as the push factors indulging women participation. The regression coefficient, of skills available by women and Climate Change are significant factors that motivated women into irrigation farming ( p= .000 and p= .032) respectively. the work recommends that more land should be allocated to women directly not through the third party. Provision of adequate capital, water provision and modern farm tools equipment to enhance women farming in irrigation scheme.
Irrigation Farming, Women Participation, Motivating Factors, Wurno Irrigation
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