E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/
Helen Olomu IsholaEsan, PhD
Like a skilled boxer in the ring, transformational leadership delivers decisive, impactful actions that inspire, empower, and mobilise individuals toward systemic change. The "knockout effect" metaphor highlights the leader's ability to confront deep-rooted issues, break barriers, and foster lasting transformation. This leadership style, characterised by a compelling vision, trust-building, and motivation, is pivotal in advocacy. Transformational leaders navigate complex social, political, and cultural landscapes with resilience, courage, and adaptability, balancing strength with strategy to address societal challenges. By promoting empathy, collaboration, and innovation, transformational leaders empower the teams to tackle obstacles head-on, turning resistance into opportunities for reform. Their unwavering commitment to equity and justice delivers a "knockout effect," driving progress and shaping positive change. This concept underscores the intersection of transformational leadership and advocacy, showcasing how leaders can unleash the potential to effect meaningful and lasting societal transformation. The article explores the knockout effect in leadership, the foundations of transformational leadership, and its application in advocacy. It delves into developing leadership skills, sustaining leadership efforts amid adversity, and leveraging vision, authenticity, and adaptability to challenge existing systems. By combining strategic planning with values-driven action, transformational leaders inspire others to join in creating lasting societal impacts. This exploration emphasises the transformative potential of leadership in advocacy, highlighting its crucial role in addressing contemporary challenges and advocating for sustainable change.
Knockout Effect, Transformational Leadership, and Ring of Advocacy
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