E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v10.no2.2025.pg93.109

Seasonality of Polythene Waste Generation in Enugu Metropolis, South East, Nigeria

Tpl Okoye, Veronica Ugonma PhD


s Seasonal variation seems to plays key role in determining the quantity and characteristics of municipal solid waste generation. Furthermore, there have been the arguments rising speculative of the quantity of polythene waste generation during the various weather season at home in various cities including Enugu urban, Nigeria. . This study examines seasonal variation in household polythene waste generation in Enugu metropolis, South east Nigeria with a view to evolving a guided and more efficient waste disposal policy in the study area. Data was collected through observation and measurement of 400 systematically selected households from 12 neighborhoods of the three different residential densities (High, medium and Low) that make up Enugu metropolis, and data generated was summarized using descriptive statistical measures and Analysis of variance. Results show that the mean polythene waste generation rate of a household is 60.5kg in wet season and 32.7kg in dry season. Result of the hypothesis using ANOVA suggests that there was significant difference from that polythene waste generated in homes in the same weather season in Enugu metropolis. (F= 9.417, P = 0.026, P <0.05 significant value). This variation can be attributed to greater agricultural resource utilization resulting from crop harvest with on-set of the dry season with reciprocal waste generation, as well as the increase in the purchasing power of residents due from proceeds of crop sales at that time among others factors. The study recommends the use of the data base created by Enugu State Waste Management Agency (ESWAMA) for effective planning for municipal solid waste management in the area. An increase in the provision of waste collection, storage and disposal facilities particularly in the wet season by waste management agencies should be imminent.


Polythene, Seasonal, Waste, Enugu


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