International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )

E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.vol.11.no2.

Optimization of Drying Parameters of Periwinkles ( Turritella Communis) Using Response Surface Methodology

Lucky Akpan Friday and Uwem Ekwere Inyang


Optimization of drying parameters of periwinkles (Turritella communis) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to obtain high quality product, it is very vital as improper drying conditions can affect the composition of the dried Periwinkles and thereby increases the risk of it running into deterioration of the nutrient contents of the product and post-harvest loss. Periwinkles were processed by washing, sorting into required weight (1kg). Samples obtained were dried in triplicate using WTCB 1718 laboratory drying oven at different temperatures of 55, 65, and 70?C and time of 360, 480 and 540 minutes by employing Design of Experiment (DOE). A total of 15 experimental runs were generated from Design Expert version 13 software; with two factors (temperature and drying time) and one response (moisture content). Statistical analysis based on central composite design was carried out. The significant factors were identified. The optimum conditions obtained were at a temperature of 60?C, time of 540 minutes which resulted in final moisture content of 18.48% and R value of 0.7719. From these results obtained, the use of response surface methodology in drying operation for optimizing periwinkles could be used.


Periwinkle, Oven, Drying, Optimization, Temperature and Drying time


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