IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.vol.11.no2.2025.pg45.64

Influences of Disability and Gender Diversities on Employees’ Performance Among Universities in Ondo State, Nigeria

Dr Princewill ADEYEFA, IKUDAISI, Olugbenga Lanre, Olukemi Mercy YOMIDARAMOLA


Decrease in employees’ performance has turned alarming threat to both private and public institutions globally and this is partly traceable to the extent to which disabled applicants and opposite sex are being short-changed in workplaces. This study assessed the effects of diversity management on employees’ performance among private and public universities in Ondo State, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey design was employed to gather data from primary source, and the study population was 5,762. Taro Yamane (1967) formula was used to determine the sample size of 1,548. Purposive sampling technique was utilised in the study and out of 1,548 copies of questionnaire that were distributed, 1,121 copies were duly filled and returned representing a response rate of 73% of the sample size. Descriptive statistics (percentages and frequencies) and inferential statistics (linear multiple regression analysis) were used to determine the effects of the predictor variables on the explanatory variable. The study’s findings showed that disability diversity had significant positive effect on employees’ performance in public and private Universities in Ondo State (f=41.263, p < 0.05) and gender diversity had significant positive effect on employees’ performance in public and private Universities in Ondo State (f=41.263,p < 0.05). The study concluded that diversity management (disability and gender) had statistically significant effect on employees’ performance among universities in Ondo State, Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommends that management of Nigerian universities should imbibe the spirit of inclusivity as this has a way of boosting employee morale towards optimum performance.


Diversity management, Disability diversity, Gender diversity, Employees’

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