E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/wjeds.v10.no2.2025.pg30.40

Impact Of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Preferences and Behaviors, Particularly in The Context of Supermarket Choices In Bayelsa State

Ekubo Maudlinepac Buna PhD


The study examined the impact of social media marketing on supermarket performance, product communication, and consumer perception in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Employing a descriptive survey research design, the research was guided by three primary objectives: to determine the effect of social media on supermarket profitability, to assess the effectiveness of social media tools in communicating supermarket products to consumers, and to evaluate the role of social media engagement in shaping consumer perceptions. The population for the study comprised supermarket customers across Bayelsa State. A sample of 120 respondents was selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire titled “Social Media and Supermarket Performance Questionnaire,” developed and validated by experts, with a reliability coefficient established using the Cronbach Alpha Formula. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and regression analysis to test the research hypotheses. The findings revealed that supermarkets with an active social media presence experience improved performance, social media platforms serve as effective tools for communicating product information, and consumer perceptions are significantly shaped by online interactions. Based on these findings, recommendations include strengthening supermarkets’ social media presence, tailoring content to consumer preferences, and integrating social media marketing courses into educational curricula to equip future marketers with relevant digital skills.


Social Media Marketing, Supermarket Performance, Consumer Perception, Digital


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