E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/

Impact of Peer Influence on the Behavior of Shila Boys in Yola North, Adamawa State: A Sociological Approach

Ibrahim Mohammad Siraju


This study examines the influence of peer pressure on the behaviors of Shila Boys, a youth gang involved in delinquent activities in Yola North, Adamawa State. The study aims to identify factors contributing to peer influence, assess its impact on delinquent behaviors, explore the role of social acceptance in group membership, and suggest intervention strategies. Grounded in Social Learning Theory, which posits that individuals adopt behaviors through observation and reinforcement, the study employs a descriptive survey research design. Data was collected from 95 respondents using a structured questionnaire, and findings were analyzed using measures of central tendency. The results indicate that peer pressure significantly influences the behaviors of Shila Boys, sustaining their engagement in delinquent activities. Social acceptance plays a crucial role in maintaining group membership, as many youths seek validation within these groups. However, findings also suggest that structured intervention programs, including mentorship, vocational training, and community engagement, can mitigate negative peer influence. The study concludes that peer influence is a major driver of youth delinquency, but with targeted interventions, its negative effects can be reduced. Based on these findings, recommendations include implementing mentorship programs, strengthening parental guidance, establishing rehabilitation initiatives, and enhancing community-policing efforts. These measures can help reform at-risk youth and reduce gang- related activities.


Peer influence, delinquency, social acceptance, intervention, mentorship.


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