International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology (IJEMT )

E-ISSN 2504-8848
P-ISSN 2695-2149
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijemt.vol.11.no2.

Impact of Distributed Generation on Protective Coordination of Electrical Distribution System: A Review

Abass Balogun, Nahum Samuel Dwado


With growing global concerns about environmental impacts and the need to accommodate load growth, distribution power operators are increasingly focusing on integrating Distributed Generation (DG) into their systems. However, the integration of DG alters the power flow configuration from a unidirectional to a multidirectional system. As a result, it is crucial to assess the margin required to maintain proper protection coordination when incorporating DG into a power system. Achieving this requires careful placement of protection devices and effective coordination between relays. This study reviews existing research on the impact of DG integration on the coordination of protective devices in power system protection.


Distributed Generation, Protection Relay, Protection Coordination, Load Growth,

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