E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijefm.v10.no2.2025.pg58.77

Corruption and Its Implication for Development in Nigeria

Fiebai, Dauebi, Michael Baghebo PhD, Emmanuel Nathan PhD


The economic sector of Nigeria has shown continuous growth throughout the past twenty years. Researchers utilized ARDL techniques for analyzing corruption and economic development patterns within Nigeria from 1990 to 2023 while investigating both immediate-term and long- lasting relationships of corruption on development. Public spending and economic growth produce positive and statistically significant effects on economic development in the short run and long run according to the results because their coefficients remain positive and their respective probability values fall below 5 percent significance. The analysis reveals that corruption lag values produce negative findings which demonstrate a negative impact of national corruption on country development through t-statistic and probability tests during the long duration. The persistent rise of corruption will continue to generate harmful impacts on Nigerian living standards as well as health services and education together with international relations and beyond. Research findings demonstrate that corruption generates adverse effects which harm Nigeria’s economic development at both time horizons. The study advises decentralizing the corruption fighting efforts through state-based investigations to proceed with state-based corruption cases. The states need to add studies about corruption to their primary and secondary school curricula to teach children the origins and implications of corruption as part of creating better future minds.


Corruption, Human development index, Nigeria, Government expenditure


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