E-ISSN 2504-4766
P-ISSN 2682-5910
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/wjimt.v9.no2.2025.pg28.47

Comparative Assessment of the Housing Quality in Federal and State Residential Estates in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria

Prince Ugochukwu Ofoezie, Peter Oforji, Obinna J Ubani


No known study has focused on the empirical evaluation of the quality of these estates, let alone doing a comparative assessment along the same quality parameters. Furthermore, it is evident that there are limited recent researches on this subject matter in Enugu and where the state owned and federal owned housing estates have been provided. It is against this background that this study sought to make a comparative assessment of the housing quality in State and Federal housing estates in Enugu metropolis with a view to empirically appreciating the quality of these estates. The data were derived from a questionnaire survey of 308 tenants derived from 1,347 housing units in the selected state and federal public Housing Estates in Enugu metropolis with household- head as the respondents and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Twenty one parameters were used to measure quality of housing for this study . The housing estates were clustered into two – State and Federal housing estates. Simple and systematic random sampling techniques were both adopted for this study. Two housing estates were selected from each of the clusters. The result of the study showed that the housing quality ranking of the two State Housing estates had a relatively high rate of 2.95 (Riverside Estate) and 2.90 ( Real Estate) unlike the Federal housing estates that had the quality rank of 2.7 (Federal Housing Estate) and 2.8 ( Federal Sites and Scheme estate). This implies that the State housing estates are of better quality than the federal owned housing estate. The understanding of the revelation from the study will help the urban planners and housing technocrats in developing countries with relevant information that will guide them in housing improvement and development and for their future planning activities are more inclusive, pro-poor and hence sustainable.


Quality, Estates, Federal, sustainable

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