E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jhsp.vol.11.no2.2025.pg1.13

Civilian Joint Taskforce and Peace Building: The Role of OSPAC in Rivers State

Poroma, CL PhD, Ekine, ThankGod George


The idea of community policing has been at the front-burner of security discourse of late. This study examines Civilian Joint Task-Force and Peace Building: The role of OSPAC in Rivers State. It aims at presenting an alternative as well as harmonizing the operations of the various vigilante groups in Rivers State. The main Objective of the study is to examine the viability of the Civilian Joint Task-Force and Peace building agency called OSPAC as a model for community policing in Rivers State. The study adopted community implant theory propounded by Rosenbaum (1987) to support the use of OSPAC vigilante in crime control. The research method adopted is Qualitative design by the use of historical information through Primary and Secondary data. The presence of the outfit in six Local Government Areas of Rivers State namely; Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni (Onelga), Ikwerre, Etche, Obio/Akpor, Emuoha and Khana shows the acceptance of OSPAC by the people in their quest to fight crime. The study found out that the outfit is not only accepted by the people but that crime has indeed been brought to a bearable level in these local Government Areas. The paper therefore recommends the adoption of the OSPAC model of civilian joint task force in peace building as the model for community policing in Rivers State, working in synergy with the Nigeria Police Force and the military. It should be replicated in all local government areas of the state.


Civilian Joint Task-Force, Community policing, Peace Building, OSPAC.


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