E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpaswr.v10.no2.2025.pg1.18

Analysis of Tenants’ Satisfaction with Public Housing Estates in Sub-Sahara City – A Case of Enugu City, South East, Nigeria

Peter Oforji, Obinna J Ubani, Prince Ugochukwu Ofoezie


The tasks confronting planners and policy makers and all those concerned with providing housing, are to be able to identify the factors which determine adequate and satisfactory housing, and use them as inputs to housing design and development. However, most of the previous studies in this direction have been cursory and unrelated in scope and application. Hence, the need to have an empirical feedback on the satisfaction of this units of houses in the public housing estate is put forwards as a problem of the research. The aim of this study is therefore is to examine the factors influencing tenants’ satisfaction with their dwellings units in the public housing estates in Enugu Urban, South east, Nigeria as well as x ray how each of these satisfaction attributes are influenced by the residents’ socio-economic characteristics. The data were derived from a questionnaire survey of 366 tenants derived from 4131 housing units in the estates and analyzed using descriptive and principal component analyses and multiple linear regression. The housing estates were stratified into three residential densities (High, medium and low). A simple random sample technique was used to select the estates from each of these the residential density estate. 1, 3 and 7 housing estates were selected from high, low and medium residential density housing estates respectively. The result of the study identified five tenants’ satisfaction determinants in the residential housing estates in Enugu Urban that explain 81.773 percent of observed variation in public housing satisfaction variables. The satisfaction determinants were: management attitudes/Facilities, (52.69%), closeness to facilities (31.45%), external outlook factor(15.40%), building designs(12.02%), and rooms’ details(10.22%). The understanding of the revelation from the study will help the urban planners and housing technocrats in developing countries with relevant information that will guid


Housing estate, Tenants, Development, Satisfaction


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