International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES )

E- ISSN 2489-0081
P- ISSN 2695-1894
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijaes.vol.11.no1.2025.pg163.177

Investigations of Myco-active Metabolites of two Endophytic Mushrooms; ( Daldinia concentricaand Irpex lacteus ) and their Mode of Actions Against Phytopathogenic Fungi

Nmom, F. W., Wofu, N. B and Agbagwa, S. S.


Endophytic fungi are refered to fungi that live in plant tissues throughout their entire or partial life cycle, establishing mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with their host without causing any disease in their host but promoting their growth. Many fungal endophytes produce secondary metabolites which are anti-fungals and strongly inhibit the growth of plant pathogens through enhanced mechanisms of actions. This study aimed at assessing the mycoactive chemicals of two endophytic fungi for their antifungal properties against plant pathogens. Matured fruit bodies of Daldinia concentrica and Irpex lacteus were analyzed for the presence and quantity of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, terpenoids, oxalate and hydrogen cyanide, using standard methods as described by Obadoni and Ochuko. The results revealed that for D. concentrica, the contents of the mycochemicals were highest in tannins, followed by alkaloids and terpenoids; however, the contents of saponins and flavonoids were at appreciable ranges while oxalate which was not important in the study was the lowest. For I. lacteus, tannic acid and phenol had the highest contents of the mycochemicals. However, flavonoids and terpenoids had the lowest contents, while saponin was at an appreciable range. The findings of the study confirmed that with the presence of the mycoactive-chemicals inherent in the endophytes; they could protect plants against pests and pathogens through enhanced mechanisms as indicated in the study.


Endophytic fungi, Daldinia concentrica, Irpex lacteus, Mycoactive Chemicals, Phyto-pathogens, Mechanisms of actions, Antifungal.


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