E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/
John Chidume Anetoh Ph.D, Emmanuel Chidozie Ndubisi Ph.D,Vivian Chioma Anetoh (Ajakpo) Ph.D & John Chidume Anetoh
The behaviours of consumers are roller coaster in nature which thrusts enormous responsibilities on organizations especially in findings means of satisfying consumers in all their expectations. Therefore, the problem that prompted this research is the proliferation of various brands of malt which has increased competition in Nigerian markets. It became necessary for companies to gain knowledge about the consumers and what spur them into purchase actions. Indisputably, satisfying consumers is very crucial as consumers are now more educated, more advanced, more savvy, too sophisticated and always demand for products that appeal to their senses. Different brands of products can only be differentiated through the senses of sight, taste, touch and smell. Therefore, the research investigated how sensory attributes of malt brands influence consumer purchase behaviour in South-East of Nigeria. Specifically, the study ascertained the extent malt brand visual, gustatory, tactile and olfactory attributes influence consumer purchase behavior. The study established that malt brand visual attribute significantly influences consumer purchase behaviour in south-east Nigeria. The study revealed that malt brand gustatory attribute has a significant influence on consumer purchase behaviour in south-east Nigeria. The study found that malt brand tactile attribute significantly influences consumer purchase behaviour in south-east Nigeria. The study revealed that malt brand olfactory attribute has a significant influence on consumer purchase behaviour in south-east Nigeria. The study recommended that malt brand sensory attributes should be sustained. The study has managerial and practical contributions to the malt manufacturers, managers, practitioners, future researchers, consumers, and the general public in Nigeria.
Influence, Sensory Attributes, Consumer Purchase Behaviour, South-East, Nigeria
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