E-ISSN 2579-0498
P-ISSN 2695-2181
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijmepr.v9.no1.2025.pg41.59

Evaluation of Healthcare Delivery System in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

FABERE, Biobelemoye; Prof. S. J. Ozims; & Dr. C. O. Ezekwesiri


Bayelsa State, Nigeria, healthcare delivery system health administration efficacy is examined. This research examined the effectiveness of Bayelsa State's health administration and delivery system. A questionnaire-based evaluative research approach was utilised to collect data from 300 participants. We investigated three hypotheses and three research topics. The data were analysed using weighted mean and standard deviation, percentages, and frequencies, and the hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics at 0.05. Patronage of government and commercial hospitals is high, but traditional healers and faith-based healing centres are low (mean ratings 2.33; 2.40; 2.30; 1.97). Also, health officials regularly educate the public about local healthcare services. Bayelsa's healthcare initiatives are very effective. Z-calculated = 1.16 < z-critical = 1.96 at 0.05 significance level. It was found that health administration improved Bayelsa State healthcare delivery. The report advises that health officials in each community should aggressively sensitise and conduct awareness campaigns to help rural Bayelsa State residents evaluate healthcare initiatives. For program supervision, monitoring, and evaluation, personnel must be actively sought and provided. Nigerian health authorities must prioritise rural health professional training. So rural health professionals won't move to cities. Finally, improving people's living situations above poverty level is essential to promoting healthy lives. Health education must be effective to eliminate infectious diseases like typhoid and malaria.


Evaluation, Healthcare, Administration, Delivery System, Management of Resources.


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