E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/rjfsqc.vol.11.no1.2025.pg50.64

Quality Assessment of Candy Produced with Date ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) and Coconut ( Cocos nucifera L. )

Allbright Ovuchimeru AMADI, Patiance Chisa OBINNA-ECHEM and Imaobong Sunday ASUQUO


The study was aimed at evaluating the quality of candy produced with date and supplemented with coconut. Soft chewy caramel candies were prepared from refined sugar, date and coconut pastes in the ratios of 100:0:0, 50:30:20, 30:50:20, 20:50:30 and 0:100:0% for sample A, B, C, D and E, respectively. Standard analytical methods were used in the analysis of physicochemical, proximate composition, energy value, mineral and sensory properties of the candies. pH, and total soluble solids ranged respectively, from 4.73-4.79, and 10.0-30.0 °Brix. The proximate composition varied from 3.00-17.93, 14.24-30.18, 0.34-4.50, 0.15-1.30, and for moisture, fat, crude fibre, ash, crude protein and carbohydrate, respectively. The energy value ranged from 455.42-510.30 Kcal/100g, while the mineral content ranged from 24.05-35.01, 1.65-8.22, 0.00-0.029 mg/100g for potassium, calcium and manganese, respectively. The degree of likeness for sensory properties ranged from 5.90-8.05, 6.25-8.20, 5.40-8.35, 5.75-8.40, 5.80-8.50, 6.00-8.15 and 5.85-8.28, respectively, for appearance, colour, mouthfeel, taste (sweetness), aftertaste, aroma, and overall acceptability. The result in comparison with the standard sugar candies indicated that date and coconut pastes can be used to replace refined sugar in the production of acceptable candy of high nutritional quality. Date and coconut supplemented candies will be significant in reducing the health challenges associated with excess consumption of refined sugar in candies.


Candy, date, coconut paste, proximate composition, mineral, sensory properties.


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