E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/
Aisha Ahmed HAMMAN & Dr. Jacob FILGONA & Dr. Yahya Umar MAGAJI
Public concern regarding the quality of graduates from Colleges of Education in North East Nigeria has increased due to declining academic achievement and rising late graduation rates. This situation is further exacerbated by a surge in student enrollment amidst inadequate infrastructure and limited resources, which can result in decreased student engagement—a critical factor for effective learning. To this end, this study investigates the predictive power of students’ engagement on academic achievement in Colleges of Education in North East Nigeria. Using the Cochran sample size formula, 952 students were sampled from a population of 8,761 NCE II students across four institutions. Data were collected with a 30-item "College Students' Engagement Questionnaire" (CSEQ) and a "College Students' Proforma" (CSP). Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation, Simple and Multiple Linear Regression, were employed for data analysis at a 0.05 alpha level. Findings revealed moderate levels of cognitive engagement (Grand mean = 3.31), affective engagement (Grand mean = 3.25), and behavioural engagement (Grand mean = 3.14) and moderate levels of overall engagement across the three dimensions (Grand mean = 3.23) among students. Students’ Engagements (Cognitive, affective, and behavioural) individually and jointly significantly predicted academic achievement (R2 = 14.9%, F(3, 948) = 55.319, p = 0.00 < 0.05). Based on these findings, the study recommended that Colleges of Education should design and implement integrated strategies that simultaneously address cognitive, affective, and behavioural engagements. Fostering comprehensive student engagement is needed to enhance academic outcomes in Colleges.
Predictive Power, Students’ Engagement, Academic Achievement.
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