E-ISSN 2504-4766
P-ISSN 2682-5910
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/wjimt.v9.no1.2025.pg109.125

Influence of Administrators’ Quality Assurance Methods on Learning Outcome of Senior Secondary School Students in Port Harcourt Metropolis

Prof. Eric C. Amadi & Abia, Aniediong Patrick


This study examined influence of administrators’ quality assurance methods on learning outcome of senior secondary school students in Port Harcourt Metropolis. The study was guided by three objectives from which three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated. The descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. The total population was 45 principals and 3,324 teachers selected from 45 senior secondary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis. A sample of three 360 respondents was drawn using simple random sampling technique. The instrument that was used for data collection was a self-designed questionnaire entitled: “Administrators’ Quality Assurance Methods and Learning Outcomes of Senior Secondary School Students questionnaire.” The research questions were analyzed using mean, aggregate mean and standard deviation, while four null hypotheses were tested with z-test at 0.05% level of significance. Findings revealed that administrators’ collaboration with other stakeholders, supervision of instruction by school administrators, teachers’ evaluation by school administrators, and that maintaining a safe and supportive school climate by administrators influence learning outcome of senior secondary school students in Port Harcourt Metropolis to a high extent. Based on findings, it was recommended among others that principals and all school administrators and stakeholders should see the need to collaborate, carry out regular supervision in schools, regular teachers’ evaluation and maintain a safe and supportive school climate in order to achieve the overall learning outcomes of senior secondary school in Nigeria in a positive way.


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